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Moral Panic – S/T [Second Album IMPORT]– New LP
Moral Panic – S/T [Second Album IMPORT]– New LP
Alien Snatch! Records

Moral Panic – S/T [Second Album IMPORT]– New LP

Regular price $ 20.00
sparks flying as this Brooklyn outfit jumps from the gate and blasts through this set, screaming from the garage and running at it like a maniac in a road race, middle american punk from the beginning fueling the engine, tuned up with the fury of hardcore, garage punk rock and roll fast as fuck, toes to the radiator from go to whoa, running it down like a young punk itching to break free from all the bullshit, piss and vinegar and a bottle of white lightning, pissed off at the party and whips the bottle on a live wire, lit on benzedrine and splits the scene, gotta get out of town and don't care what gets in the way.  I don't care what the landlord or the neighbors say, gonna blast this one from the rafters all night.-- winch (green noise records) (August 2019) Man, these guys come out of the gates swinging, with a faster-paced, almost frenetic number. This is punk rock. Sure, it’s catchy, but it’s got this nervous energy that keeps the listener on edge. They keep up the pace for the entire record. This thing just shreds. At times I’m reminded of the DEAD BOYS, only amped up a tad. And just for the hell of it, they throw in a PAGANS cover. Excellent record. (KENNY KAOS) #112 Let this stand as a testament to those who´ve thought their corker of a debut was a fluke: it wasn´t. Ten more tracks of high-octane punk with lineage hearkening back both to Modwest hardcore and L.A.-via Arizona legends the CONSUMERS all saturated in pummel and wail, grime and groove. Nineteen minutes later you´re left dazed´n´wondering just what ran over you and hoping it'll pass this way again to do the same. (JA) #85 Where has all the punk rock gone? Well, if you’re seeking more than the typical mutual admiration society jerk-off that has become punk these days, look no further. Brooklyn’s MP don’t adhere to stylistic cues, don’t pander to their audience, and they don’t care what you think of them. What they do is play 10 songs in under 20 minutes with lightning speed, balance “tight” and “loose” like the best of any Killed by Death band, and do it better than your friend’s boring hardcore outfit that played five times in the past month. What do they sound like? Cleveland’s Pagans at 45. There’s no posturing, no begging you to think they’re cool, no BS. You get these songs and you like ’em or you don’t. Now f off. (USA) Sep 2019 Second full-length album from Brooklyn’s Moral Panic, and just like the first, it’s self-titled. They’ve apparently got better things to do than name their albums, and considering the crisp, hardcore-influenced garage-punk they’re doling out, I suppose I can’t complain. Much like their debut, I’m reminded of Video, as well as Career Suicide and Carbonas, maybe a little Dead Boys too, but there’s no confusing Moral Panic with a band that existed decades ago. They’re tight and to the point, and while they may lack the bite or individual edge one might associate with a group released by Total Punk or Feel It, Moral Panic run through their set with confidence and skill. The only thing I’m waiting for is some distinguishable aspect to Moral Panic’s songs, of which there currently really isn’t, but perhaps distinction is not their goal so much as tough, workmanlike garage-punk. To their credit, the song “Flower Violence” has a chorus of “so sick of this flower violence / just want some power violence”, which may be the first instance of a garage-punk band celebrating Man Is The Bastard and Crossed Out in song. It’s a start! (JC) #145 August 2019 Titellos war bereits das 2017er Debütalbum der in Brooklyn, NY ansässigen Band, die damals auf Slovenly veröffentlichte und jetzt zu Alien Snatch gewechselt ist mit diesem aufs Wesentliche reduzierten Punkrock-Snack: Die zehn Songs auf 45 rpm sind nach knapp zwanzig Minuten durch. Ähnlich egal wie das mit dem fehlenden Titel dürfte der Band sein, dass es schon andere mit diesem Namen gibt, der freilich so perfekt passt, dass man diese Wiederholung verzeiht. MORAL PANIC klingen für mich schon vom Namen her wie das, was geboten wird: Snotty Punkrock mit auch mal gniedeliger Gitarre, angepisstem Gesang und mächtig Drive. PAGANS (deren „Not now no way“ wird hier gecovert), DEAD BOYS, DICTATORS und Co. wurden wiederholt in diesem Kontext bemüht, die Wiederholung macht den Vergleich nicht lahmer oder unzutreffender. Zeitlose Musik, nicht nur für Traditionalisten. Attention MORAL PANIC déboule à 200 à l'heure ! Fast powerpunk à la CARBONAS avec de légères touches de hardcore et des morceaux qui me rappellent les Dirtys ("Gear Guy"), voire les NEW BOMB TURKS ou les CANDY SNATCHERS... Une belle cover du "Not Now No Way" des PAGANS en prime. No-holds-barred killer record from Brooklyn, NY with 45rpm paced short & snotty CARBONAS style shockers. Deadly fast punk guitars with DICTATORS hooks and moves, midwest PAGANS kicks and early GG ALLIN. We waited for this album for more than a year and the release has sent us into dizzying emotional heights. The record comes in at nineteen minutes for all the short attention slashers out there. Mixing and mastering was done by Jeff Burke (RADIOACTIVITY, LOST BALLOONS), and you can hear it. These rockers hammer out ten absurd scorching songs, including "Not Now, No Way" by Cleveland´s finest. Featuring Ex-LIVIDS members this is their second album after releasing their debut on Slovenly Records.


released May 10, 2019


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