Runaways, The – S/T – New LP
Runaways 1976!
" Long out of print, this masterpiece of adolescent angst is back!
include lyric sheet inserts! Cherry Bombs Of Icon & Influence!
"After snatching a record deal due to the brute strength of a single rehearsal, The Runaways proceeded to change the face (and gender) of rock and roll with the release of their 1976 debut. Full of tough, snarling tales of misbehavior and anthems of offbeat adolescence, the album established these juvenile idols and remains a source of inspiration for the next generation of rebels. Includes the delectable “Cherry Bomb,” “American Nights,” a venomous VU cover, & so much more! The Runaways is the sound of a handful of untested chemicals being poured into a beaker and exploding. It's the sound of a knee-high platform boot stomping down onto the top of a guitar amp, of a gang of warriors, of defiance. It's the sound of a band too good to last — a band so sure of its chops that it started its record with "Cherry Bomb," the first of many hits Joan Jett would help pen in her career, and refused to back down from there. Decades of documentaries, biopics and interviews have revealed just how much the group endured just to get into the studio and on stage, but damn if it wasn't already a chilling experience to listen to Cherie Currie wail about her "Secrets" and whisper back and forth with Jett on the album's final track, "Dead End Justice." From start to finish, The Runaways captures a band that tapped into the zeitgeist of its era with curiosity and passion, chugging power chords, snarls and screams. Though it was under-appreciated when it was released, it captures a moment in quintessential '70s rock."
—Andrea Swensson (Minnesota Public Radio) from NPR’s 150 Greatest Albums made by Women
Cherry Bomb • You Drive Me Wild • Is It Day Or Night • Thunder • Rock And Roll • Lovers • American Nights • Blackmail • Secrets • Dead End Justice