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Real Tears – Hayfever [IMPORT] – New LP
Real Tears – Hayfever [IMPORT] – New LP
Alien Snatch! Records

Real Tears – Hayfever [IMPORT] – New LP

Regular price $ 20.00 $ 0.00

unstoppable fast and fun set of punk rock power pop, spring-loaded frenzy dressed up to the nines and ripped up like it's 1977, button-up collar and a leather coat standing on the railroad tracks, fun as a summertime crush, who-cares happy and crashing the gates like a rock through a factory window, get up, spin around, and do it again, what else is there to say, get it. -- winch (green noise records) (US) Feb 2020 This second full-length release from Sweden’s REAL TEARS delivers thirteen high-energy power pop tracks, with a touch of glam and a gritty edge. They sound like the type of people that might get picked on by bikers while playing at an out-of-the way truck stop bar in the ’70s, but also like the type of people that might pull a crowbar out of their tour van and fight back. Classic rock’n’roll riffs figure heavily into the mix and the unchecked enthusiasm reminds of early MARKED MEN or the CARBONAS. A real feel-good record. (HB) (USA) Oct 2019 This Swedish punk pop band release their fiery second LP. If you have never heard this band, they play high strung, high energy punk rock using pop guitar riffs. To get a sense of what Real Tears sound like, take your copy of the Undertones’ first LP and play in at 45RPM. The Real Tears have a charisma that’s all their own though. Some of these guys used to be in Impo & The Tents which were a phenomenal band and the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree when it comes to Real Tears. Great band with extraordinary songwriting. I can’t think of one reason you shouldn’t go out right now and buy this record. If your local record store doesn’t have any, shame them until they get it in. They’ll thank you for it later. (JC) (USA) DEC 2019 What a 2019 it's been for ALIEN SNATCH! RECORDS. The legendary label, celebrating its 20th anniversary, has been responsible for a whole bunch of my favorite releases of the year (PALE LIPS, PHONE JERKS, TV CRIME..I could go on and on). One I have not yet mentioned is the terrific second album from Sweden's REAL TEARS. I was a big fan of the band's first album, which I reviewed back in 2016. The follow-up Hay Fever is every bit as good. On this 13-song long player, REAL TEARS sound like they're intent on making the best DICKIES album in decades. These guys play super fast punk rock with pop hooks, as songs alternate between mega-hyper ("These Unwashable Hands of Mine", "Dumsterdivin'") and just plain hyper ("Crooner Steel", "Little Things"). Only one track exceeds two minutes, so there's no waiting around for any of these songs to get to the good part. As a big fan of poppy punk rock, I've gotta say this album hits me in all the right spots. The tunes are catchy, the playing is tight, and the energy level is infectious. Real Tears basically formed out of the ashes of IMPO & THE TENTS and you can certainly hear the similarities between the two bands. REAL TEARS are probably a little punkier, but still with hooks out the wazoo. If you're burned out on Ramonescore, maybe it's time to give DICKIES-core a try! (Josh Rutlegde)

VOIXDEGARAGEGRENOBLE.BLOGSPOT.COM Oct 2019 C’est toujours avec curiosité que j’écoute les nouveautés venant de cet excellent label berlinois qui fête ses 20 ans d’existence ! Et ils font ça avec brio sortant un gros paquet d’excellents albums depuis le début de l’année (dont un certain nombre ont été chroniqués ici) ! Donc quand arrive ces Real Tears je ne me gratte pas l’occiput, j’écoute direct ! Et immédiatement je tombe sous le charme de leur musique, une Power Pop up tempo hyper enjouée et catchy…. Comme si les Undertones s’adonnaient au Pop Punk sur leur temps libre, ou les Buzzcocks viraient Garage Punk. Les Real Tears partagent avec ces 2 références la capacité à pondre des Pop songs sur vitaminées et hyper accrocheuses, enthousiasmantes et qui font bien bander pour peu qu’on soit fan de mélodies et d’énergies (positives) ! Un rien de Surf par ici, 2 notes de solo Metal par là (mais pas plus, ne surtout pas dépasser la dose prescrite), un poil de Punk 77 et surtout QUE des chansons ultra délectables ! Ça ne réinvente pas la roue, mais ça vous donne du bonheur pendant 21 mn pour 13 chansons : jamais le temps de se lasser ! (BT)

OX-FANZINE.DE Issue #147 DEC 2019 REAL TEARS aus „Three Chord City“ Upsala sind eine dezibelstarke Entrümpelungsfirma auf 45 rpm, entsorgen allen unnötigen Firlefanz, denn viel braucht es nicht: hier ein Pete Shelley-Poster auf der Rauhfaser, dort ein DICKIES-Pappaufsteller in Lebensgröße und ein kleines Regal für BIG STAR-Songbooks. Das aufgeheizte Soundmosaik aus jeansjackigen Fizz-Pop-Versatzstücken, makellose RASPBERRIES- Melodien im Amphetaminrausch und Buzzsaw-Gitarren der REAL KIDS verzeichnet höchste Ausschläge in den Amplituden auf der Skala des „High Energy“- Downstroke-Powerpop. Wann immer diese Klassifizierung fortan verwendet wird, werden sich diese Bands an den REAL TEARS messen lassen müssen: 13 Tracks, von denen nur einer es knapp über die Zwei-Minuten-Grenze schafft, die selbst bei einer radikalen Tempoverminderung – in diesem Genre meines Erachtens der oberste Gradmesser, an dem sich Mittelmaß von Fällen wie dem vorliegenden trennt – großartige Popsongs bleiben würden, randvoll mit sauber akzentuierten Jingle-Jangle-Momenten und Harmoniefolgen des BEACH BOYS-Kompendiums. In Original-Speed ist diese Platte dabei nicht nur überaus mitreißend, sondern in der Gesamtumsetzung auch angenehm goofy, schippt in Referenz zum ersten Album noch deutlich mehr Kohle in den Ofen und positioniert sich dadurch als best-in-class, mit Abstand. 9/10 (MB)

STEREOMACKO.BLOG.HU Svédország első számú Undertones imitátorai, akik Ramones / Dickies imádatukat sem rejtették soha véka alá, második lemezükön sem vettek vissza példaképeik jó értelemben vett majmolásából. A bugi faktort pedig ha lehet, még tovább fokozták. Úgyhogy asszem nem túlzok, ha azt mondom, hogy a Hay Fever az év eddigi legnagyobb bulibombája, ami akkor is robban, ha nem akarod. (ITA) Feb 2020 Vengono da Uppsala: la cittadina svedese immersa nel verde che ha dato i natali a Linneo e Ingmar Bergman, ma se ne fottono di botanica e cinema d’essai. Pensano solo a macinare power pop punk, tenendo alta la bandiera della melodia. Sanno ciò che fanno - qualcuno era negli Impo & The Tents - e come degli Undertones foderati di romanticismo vichingo sparano 13 pezzi di cui solo uno supera i due minuti (MG)


released September 2, 2019

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