Shitty Weekend - Shit Week - New LP
"Debut LP from Shitty Weekend, Portland’s most smart-mouthed DIY shredders. The band shares several members with the Taxpayers, including frontdude Andrew Link, as well as PDX grindcore stalwarts Transient. Taxpayers fans will be happy to recognize some familiar goof-punx elements in “Shit Week”, including bouncy horn lines and plenty of folky arpeggios, but Shitty Weekend doesn’t shy away from the nastier, thrashier end of the punk spectrum either. Songs like “Don’t Tell Me Don’t” and “Employee of the Month” channel the frantic hostility of ‘80s hardcore punk in furious bursts, self-destructing before the one-minute-mark as often as not. Andrew’s shrieking vocals expound on religion, government, dad rock, and 9-to-5 ambitions while distorted guitars screech and Noah wails on the drums like his life depends on it. The end result is melodic, aggressive, sarcastic, dissonant, sincere, and punk as fuck. No fucking flossing, punk rock or die. Featuring similarly punk as fuck cover art by Keith Rosson. This is a run of 500 LPs."