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Daydream – Mystic Operative [PDX PUNK ROCK!]– New LP
Dirt Cult Records

Daydream – Mystic Operative [PDX PUNK ROCK!]– New LP

Regular price $ 17.00

holy shit, Portland punk, chuck me in a rock grinder and turn the motor on supersonic, guillotine the king, chuck his carcass off the end of the plank and let the hammerheads rip it apart, don't let the name of the band fool you into thinking this'll lullaby your brain into a state of theta, this is gamma-wave punk rock and roll, divergent binaural fuzz ripping into focused rapid-fire slash and burn, clear cuts the police officers in your brain like a chainsaw running on trichlorethylene, short loud fast like you like it, pounding on your eardrums like a maniac on benzedrine, slashing your brain like a whipping of razor wire.  And when it's all said and done, maybe you will indeed settle into a theta state of mind.  Clear cut the riot police from your brain and give the pine trees room to grow.  To free your head, feed the heads of state to the hammerheads, decapitate the heads of state in your mind and bring the dream into the light of day, make your own head the head of your own state. To understand how something works, sometimes you gotta get a hammer and break it apart.  -- winch (green noise)


"Daydream has been one of my favorite PDX bands for several years now. Their sound is difficult to describe. It’s noisy and chaotic but held together by riffs and melodies that will get stuck in your head for days. It sounds like Lebenden Toten through a Jesus Lizard filter. This is the band’s second LP. Their first was released by Symphony of Destruction in Italy, and seemed to go under the radar, at least in the United States. On their second LP, the band takes on the commodification of every aspect of our lives. The band writes about the record, “We are designed and raised to be soldiers, informants, producers, and workers for the state. The more categorized we are by identify, the easier it is to be commodified; all culture, ideas, and thoughts throw into countless algorithms. Just as any of our sacred experiences continually changed – joy and loss, oppression and pain, sexual and gender deviancy, bliss and enlightenment – so do their tactics. Every moment has the potential to be capitalized on or commodified. Every moment offers them useful data to sell to you, implicate you, or both. They empower us to inflict violence and implicate on another. Relation and even existence feel impossible without their tools. But there are moments, those sacred moments, that are unique to us. WE have to fight the operative to keep those experiences ours, without giving it to them for their uses. Watch out for the mystics, inside and out.” TLDR: Kill the cop in your head.
releases December 11, 2020
PS: True Portland History.  This old Portland dude invited his uppercrust East Coast asshole friends out to see his town, Portland town, and they were not impressed, saw it as a hillbilly backwoods town, called it "Stumptown" because the streets of downtown were filled with stumps.  They went back home to their mansions in New England.  The Portland dude was all pissed off and got a bunch of TNT dynamite and blew all the stumps to smithereens.  When the dust cleared, he invited his uppercrust East Coast asshole friends back out to see the progress.  The rainy season had descended, and his friends were not impressed.  All the stumps in the roads were now giant potholes filled with mud, so they still made fun of his frontier town and called it "Puddletown."  Both the names circulated (and are still around today) and that really pissed off the Portland dude, so he planted a bunch of roses, and declared it the City of Roses.  And then a slurry of bands like Daydream started punk rocking out.  That's it, all you need to know about Portland for now. -- winch

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