Total Punk Records
True Sons of Thunder – It Was Then That I Was Carrying You – New LP
Regular price
$ 16.00
Total Punk is unstoppable, as this set of demolition-derby rock and roll clearly shows, starts off sounding like a wild west gunfight in a wild stallion stampede, and then the hoofs hit the concrete in the gutter along the blacktop and leap deep into the sewers under the city, rattling in filthy puddles, rats running for cover, dropping into the dark like an M80 into a toilet, blasting out the other end into the wide open spaces of the parking lot of an abandoned drive-in movie theater junk yard where nothing's left but broken hearts and busted bottles, living in a dumpster and robots crawling out the bushes, time to take cover, pots and pans crashing against the inside of your boiler tank, rebuilt makeshift jetpack, big gulps of rubbing alcohol, stomping along with old boots spit and polish, looking good times with your hair cut with garden shears, shake a tail feather at the local stomp, hell bent and space age, when the green men show up and ask what this punk rock is all about, you just bust out your Total Punk collection and play this one, shove an eight-track into the drive-in speaker, swamp water in the radiator of your beat-up Bel-Air, trichlor from a Mason jar poured into carburetor and you race off like a jet engine. -- winch
TOTAL PUNK releases the third LP by southern misanthropic shed dwellers TRUE SONS OF THUNDER. Featuring members of Manateees, Oblivians, Mangina, Rat Traps...TSOT has turned not caring into an art form and even unknowingly submitted a track from their second LP for inclusion on this one. Sour tunes for sour times by sour dudes. Lurching low end, a wall of guitars and banjitar set to destruction, the ramblings of a night shift gas station attendant, and rock solid drumming holding the entire mess together. This was the record Total Punk was made to put out and it only took us 8 years to get here. Loud, broken, and 100% TOTAL PUNK!!!!